Watermelon and pregnancy.

Published on by Namratha Pramod

Watermelon and pregnancy.

Watermelon and pregnancy.

Watermelon as the name says has 92% water content. It was always considered just a juicy treat with very limited nutritional value and culinary use. Best used as in salads, sorbets or smoothies. Watermelon is a versatile fruit with many benefits especially for pregnant women.

• It eases the heartburn and reduces swelling as it has high water content as much as 92%

• The fruit sugars present in watermelon can also reduce hyperemesis’ or morning sickness.

• The water content acts as a hydrator and reduces dehydration.

• Watermelon is richer in lycopene, which not only acts as an antioxidant to protect against cancer but also provides better immunity to the body.

• Lycopene is also answerable to the reduction of pre eclampsia during the trimester

• Watermelon is also packed with essential vitamins such as Vit A, C and B6, as well as potassium and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the development of the baby's vision, brain, nervous and immune systems

• Potassium also regulates the water balance in the blood and body tissues during pregnancy.

• Watermelon is less in calories too , being useful for the weight watching mothers.

• Watermelon is also rich in iron, making it useful to combat low hemoglobin levels.

• Watermelon has very low glycemic load, it can be had by patients who have gestational diabetes.

• Watermelon, because of its water and fiber content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract.

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